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Elektriğin İcadı


Elektriği 1800’lü yıllarda Alessondro Volta ilk elektrik pillerini bulmuş ve bunlardan elektrik akımını üretmeyi başarmıştır.
Elektriğin buluşu o zamanlar insanlar üzerinde çok etki yapmamıştı. Elektriğin icadının insanlar üzerinde az etki yapmasının sebebi; o zamanlar elektrikli cihazların olmayı ve bilim, icatların bu şekilde gelişeğini öngörebilecek bir ortam ve kabileyetin çok fazla olamamasıydı

Elektriğin İcadı Ne Gibi Yenilikler Getirmiştir?

Elektriğin icadıyla adeta yeni bir çağ başlamış ve inovasyonlar, reformlar ve icatlar tarihte hiç olmadığı kadar hızlı bir şekilde başlamıştır. Dolayısıyla elektriğin buluşu tarihte bir milat noktası diyebiliriz.

Elektrik ile yeni makinelerin icadı hız kazanmış ve bir çok makine üretilmiştir. Bu makineler ile insanlar öncelikle tarımsal alanlarda hızlı üretime başlamış ve tarım çağı hızlanmıştır. Artık insanlar tarımsal alanlarda insan ve hayvan gücünü kullanmıyor onların yaptığı işlerin bir çoğunu makineler yapmaya başlamıştı. Elektriğin icadı sadece makineler ve tarımsal faaliyetler değil insan hayatının bir çok alanında, insanoğlu’nun bir parçası olmuştur. Sağlık sektöründen haber sektörüne kadar ismini sayamayacağız bir çok alanda yani hayatımızın bir organı olmuştur.

Elektrikli makinelerin icadı ile başlayan reform hareketleri insan oğluna hayatında yeni kazanımlar vermiş ve destek olmuştur. Kadınlara ev işlerinde makineler çok yardımcı olmuştur. Buna örnek vermek gerekirse; eskiden kadınlar çamaşırları yıkamak için su kaynatır elde yıkar yada dere kenarlarına giderek oralarda yine ellerini kullanarak kirli çamaşırları yıkardılar.

Elektriğin İcadı yazısı ilk önce Bilimsel üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

Telefonun İcadı


Telefon ne zaman icat edildi? Telefonu kim icat etti? Telefonun icadının bizlere ne gibi zararları ve faydaları oldu? Hepsi bu yazımızda sizlere açıklayıcı bilgiler ile sunmaya çalıştık.

Telefon 1876 yılında Ünlü bilim insanı Alexander Grahambell tarafından üretilmiştir. Graham ve yardımcısı uzun uğraşlar ve denemeleri sonucu uzaktan iletişim kurmaya yarayan bunu son derece güzel sağlayan telefonu icat ettiler.

Aslında alexander Grahambell bile telefonun bugünki son haline tahmin edememiş olabilir. Çünlü telefon icat edildikden sonra inanılmaz bir şekilde yenilik ve inovasyon çalışmaları ile görüntülü aramalar yapabilir hale gelmiştir.

Peki telefonun faydaları nelerdir?

Telefon icat edilmesiyle yaşantımıza hızlı bir giriş yaparak, hayatımıza harika bir şekilde yardımcı olmuştur. Kendimizden çok uzakta ki sevdiklerimize ulaşmak artık çok kolay olmuştur. Her türlü acil durumda bir tuşla yetkililere acil durumu bildirebiliyoruz artık. Telefonun günümüzde ki son hali ile gelişmiş kameralar kullanılarak kameralarında yerini almaya başlamıştır. Modern telefonlarda 50 mega pixel’den daha güzlü kameraya sahip telefonlar karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Buda özellikle eski tip kameraların ömrünü bitirmiş kamera sektörünü de güçlü bir yeniliğe itmiştir.

Telefonun icadının faydaları nelerdir?

  • İnsan hayatını kolaylaştırmıştır
  • İletişimi kolaylaştırmıştır
  • Uzaktan iletişime olanak tanımıştır
  • Acil durumlarda en etkili yardım araçlarından birisi olmuştur
  • Hayatımızın adeta bir parçası olmuştur

Telefonun zararları nelerdir?

  • İnsanlar zamanların bir çok bölümünü telefon oynayarak geçiriyor
  • Çocuklar telefon ve türevlerine bağımlı hale gelmiştir
  • İnsanlara radyasyon yayıyor

Telefonun İcadı yazısı ilk önce Bilimsel üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

Bilgisayların Tarihi


Bilgisayar ne zaman yapıldı? İlk bilgisayarın boyutları ne kadardı? Hiç merak ettiniz mi?

İlk bilgisayarın tarihi 1900’lerin başlarında başlar ve o günden bugüne kadar son halini almıştır ve halen de inanılmaz inovasyonlar ile bilgisayar tarihine yeni boyutlar kazandırmaya devam ediyor.

İlk bilgisayar yapıldığında tahmin ettiğinizden çok daha fazla büyüktü. İlk bilgisayar tam bir oda boyutundaydı evet yanlış duymadınız. İlk bilgisayarın bir ram’i sizin şuan kullanıdığınız diz üstü bilgisayarlardan 10 kat daha fazlaydı. Ama insanoğlu durmadı çalıştı yenilik üstüne yenilik yaptı. Bilime güvenen bütün ülkeler ve ona yönelenler bugün dünyayı yöneten ülkelerdir

İşte bilgisayarların tarihi bu şekilde başlamış ve günümüzdeki son halini alarak süper bilgisayarlar olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır

Bilgisayarlar günümüz de ne durumda?

Bilgisayarlar günümüzde hayatın bir çok alanına girmiştir. Özellikle de iş hayatında yer alan bilgisayarlar bazı sektörlerde hatta bir çok sektörde ana iş aracı olmuştur. İşte bilgisayarın tarihi bu noktalara kadar gelmiştir. Bilgisayarlar sadece iş hayatında değil gençlerin ve çocukların hayatında da yer etmiş, oyun sektöründe pastadan büyük bir yer almaktadır. Günümüzde bilgisayar fiyatları çok uygun fiyatlardan başlayarak ev ve araba alacak fiyatlara kadar çıkmaktadır.

Bilgisayarın faydaları nelerdir?

  1. Bilgisayarın tarihi gelişimi ile iş hayatında kolaylık sağlamıştır
  2. İnsanlar uzun süre çözemeyecek problemleri bilgisayar ile çok kısa sürede çözmeyi başarmıştır
  3. Kayıt ve depolama birimlerine çok yardımcı olmuştur
  4. Çok uzun süren işlemler daha kısa sürede yapılmıştır.

Bilgisayların Tarihi yazısı ilk önce Bilimsel üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

Yüzyılın Buluşu


En çok merak edilenler arasın da yüzyılın buluşu vardır. Peki yüzyılın buluşu hangi buluştur? Sizler için bu yazımızda yüzyılın buluşunu derledik.

Tarih den günümüze kadar bir çok icat, inovasyon ve buluş gerçekleştirilmiştir. İnsanoğlu bilgiye hiç bir şeyde olmadığı kadar muhtaç olduğunu her zaman farkında olmuştur. Ve bu yönde çalışmalardan hiç bir zaman, hiç bir çağ ve dönemde vazgeçmemiştir. Bu ateşin buluşundan, telefonun icadına kadar ve günümüzde de aynıdır.

Peki yüzyılın buluşu hangisidir?

Bu konuda aslında net bir şey demek çok zor olur. Hatta doğruda olmayabilir. Çünkü her buluşun kendi alanında ve hizmet edişine göre kriterleri farklılık gösterir.

Örneğin; televizyonun icadı insanlar bilgiyi çok hızlı vermişken, telefonun icadı insanlara iletişim kurmasında olanak sağlamıştır

En çok yankı uyandıran buluşlar nelerdir?

İlk çağlardan başlamak gerekirse;

  • Ateşin buluşu; o dönemde yapılan en büyük buluştur dersek yanlış olmaz diye düşünmekteyiz
  • Elektriğin icadı; ile modern çağa büyük ölçüde geçilmiş bir çok icat ve buluşun önü açılmıştır. Bize göre yüzyılın buluşu budur.
  • Tekerleğin icadı ; tarih boyunca yapılan en büyük buluşlardan biride tekerleğin icadıdır. Bügün günümüzde hala tekerleği geliştirme çabaları vardır. Bu tekerleğin önemini bize gösteren en büyük etkenlerden biridir diyebiliriz.
  • Telefonun icadı; Alexander grahambel’in uzun uğraşları ve denemeleri sonucu insanlığı çok faydalı olan buluşudur.
  • Ampulün icadı; Elektriğin icadının ne kadar faydalı olduğunu ve ne kadar önemli olduğunun göstergesidir.

Yüzyılın Buluşu yazısı ilk önce Bilimsel üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

Modern Çağ


Sizlere bu yazımızda insanların ilk çağdan günümeze nasıl geldiğini, ne gibi zorluklara göğüs gererek ve başararak geldiklerinden bahsedeceğiz.

İlk çağlarda insanlar avcılık ile geçimlerini sağlarken daha tarım ile tanışmamışlar ve ticaret de yoktu. Daha sonra tarımın da doğmasıyla modern çağdaki ticaret anlayışından farklı olan takas sistemi ortaya çıkmıştır.

Takas sistemine basitçe örnek vermek gerekirse, domates eken bir çiftçi salatalık eken bir çiftçi ile belli bir miktar karşılıklı olarak birbirlerine vermesine takas sistemi diyebiliriz.

Modern çağ ile birlikte takas sistemi ortadan kalkmış ve lidyalılar’ın parayı bulmasıyla modern çağa geçiş yapılmıştır. Modern çağda sadece ticaret değil, aynı zamanda adalet sistemi gelişmiş ve kanunlar ortaya çıkmıştır. Kanunların ortaya çıkmasıyla daha düzenli bir hayata geçiş sağlanmış. İnsanlara daha güven verilmiştir.

İşte modern çağın en büyük getirisi de düzenli bir hayata geçiştir. Adalet sisteminin gelişmesi bunun en önemli ayağıdır bize göre. Adalet sistemi, kanunlar ve cezalardan oluşmaktaydı buda demokrasinin ilk adımlarını atıldığı çağdır diyebiliriz. İnsanlar artık suç işleyemeyecek işlese bile cezasını çekecekti, çünkü artık modern çağda insanlar birlikte yaşıyorlardı.

Günümüze geldiğimizde ise demokrasi ve toplumsal gelişmişlik olarak çok ileri seviyede ülkeler görmekte iken hala medeniyet ile tanışmamış topluluklar dahi görülmekte. Demokrasi; insanların modern çağ da en çok ihtiyaç duydukları, birlikte saygı ve sevgi içerisinde yaşamanın en önemli unsurlarındandır. Bu sebeple demokrasi seviyesi yükseklerde olan ülkeler her zaman daha refah ve özgürdürler. Bunun sonucunda bu ülkelerin sanayi, kültürel ve bilimsel olarak daha ilerde oldukları yapılan araştırmalar sonucu ortaya çıkmıştır

Modern Çağ yazısı ilk önce Bilimsel üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

Modern Telefonlar


Telefon’un İcadı ile telefonlar hızlı bir gelişime sürecinden geçmiştir.(Telefonun icadı‘nı merak ediyorsanız önceki yazımızdan ulaşabilirsiniz) Telefonlar ilk icat edildiğinde günümüzdeki modern telefonlardan çok farklıydılar. Alexander Grahambel ile başlayan bu sürec 1900’lerin sonların müyhiş bir ivme kazanmış ve modern telefonlar karşımıza çıkmıştır.

İlk telefonlar sadece sesli iletişimi sağlıyordu. Ve bu oldukça zordu herkez de telefon yoktu, telefon santrallerı kurulmuştur. Aradığınız kişiye bu santraller aracılığı ile ullaşıyordunuz. Bu santralerin görevi aradığınız kişiye sizi aktarmakdı hatta bu bir dönem manuel memurlar tarafından kabloların yerleri değiştirilerek yapılırdı

Ancak modern telefonlar ile tek bir tuş ile sadece sesli değil görüntülü olarak da çok kolay ve hızlı bir şekilde dileğimiz kişi ile bağlantı kurabilmekteyiz. Dünya’nın en büyük ve köklü firmalarının bir çoğu telefon üretimi yapan firmalardan oluşmaktadır. Bunlardan en büyük ve önemli olanları; Apple, Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi ve oppo’dur.

Peki bu listenin bir zamanlar en başında olan Nokia şimdi neden bu listeye giremedi. Bunun en büyük sebebi teknolojinin gelişimi‘ne ayak uyduramaması, reformlarda geç kalması’dır. Her ne kadar bu konuda başarısız ve geri kalmış olsada zamanında buldugu basarıdan sektörde tutunmayı basarmış ve tekrar kaliteli modern telefonlar çıkarmayı başarmıştır.

Modern telefonların en önemli özellikleri aşşağıdaki gibidir;

  1. Ramleri çok güçlüdür, tıpkı bir bilgisayar kadar
  2. Pil ömürleri çok uzun olabilmekde
  3. Kamera görüntüleri profesyonel kamera ve fotoğraf makinesi kalitesinde işler çıkartabilmetedir
  4. Çok uzun süre telefon ile görüşme sağlanabilmekte
  5. Bilgisayar oyunları kalitesinde oyunlar oynanabilmekde
  6. Ekran çözünürlükleri çok yüksek seviyelerde olması

İşte modern telefonların en önemli özelliklerinden bazıları yukarıda ki gibidir. Bir son raki yazımızda modern telefonların özelliklerine daha detaylıca inceleyeceğiz.

Modern Telefonlar yazısı ilk önce Bilimsel üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

Teknolojinin Gelişimi


Bu yazımızda sizlere teknolojinin hızla gelişimi hakkında bilgiler vereceğiz.

İnsanlık tarih boyunca irili ufaklı yenilikler yapmıştır. Ve ilk insandan başlayarak taş devri, tunç devri, sanayi devri gibi bir çok çağ’dan geçerek sürekli hem teknolojik hemde bilimsel gelişmeler yapmıştır.

Peki teknoloji nasıl oldu da bu noktaya geldi?

İnsanlar teknolojiyi, 1800’lerin sonlarında ve 1900’lerin başlarında savaşlarda kullanlan savaş makineleri ile hızlandırmıştır. Çünkü toprak kazanmak ve savaş kazanmak hırsı insanları teknolojiye iterek yenilik yağmaya zorlamıştır. Özellikle NAZİ Almanyasın da teknolojinin gelişimini çok rahat görebilmekteyiz.

Günümüzde ise teknolojik gelişmeleri artık takip etmek de zorlanıyoruz. Bütün şirketlerin ve devletlerin en büyük finansal bütçeleri inovasyon’a ayırılmıştır. Bunun sonucunda teknolojinin gelişimi hızla devam ediyor. İnsanların teknolojiye ihtiyaçları bitecek gibi gözükmüyor. Teknoloji bir çok insana hatta hayvana bile yaşam umudu sağlamıştır. Elleri, kolları olmayan insanlara ve hayvanlara teknolojiyi kullanarak yapay el ve kol yapılmıştır. Hatta çok başarılı çalışmalar sonucu bazı insanlar tıpkı kendi ellini kullandığı gibi bu yapay elleri kullanabilmektedir. Sadece bunla kısıtla değil örneklerimiz, teknoloji gözleri görmeyen bir çok insanında görmesini sağlamıştır.

Büyük firmalar teknolojik buluşlarda bilimsel araştırmalarında adete birbirleriyle yarışa girmeleri sonucu bir çok teknolojik makineler ve robotlar günümüzde oluştur. özellikle robotların hayatımıza girmeleri bu konuda neler yapılabileceğinin göstergesidir.

Peki günümüzde teknolojinin son gözdesi nedir? diye soran olursa, elbette bunun cevabı yapay zekadır deriz. Robotlarla birlik de teknolojinin gelişimi son halini alarak insansı robotlar artık hayatımızın her yanında karşımıza çıkabilmektedir.

Örneğin; Bir markette alışveriş yaparken robottan yardım alabilirsiniz ya da bir restoran da yemeğinizi yapay zeka bir robot size servis edebilir.


Teknolojinin Gelişimi yazısı ilk önce Bilimsel üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

Teknoloji Çağı


Bugün size yazımız da teknoloji çağından ve bugünlere nasıl gelindiğinden bahsedeceğiz

Öncelikle sizlere tarih de ki çağlardan bahsetmek gerekirse. Çağlar ilk çağ, orta çağ, yeni çağ ve yakın çağ olarak dörde ayrılmaktadır.  Yakın çağ; 1789 dan bugüne kadar olan zamana denmektedir. Peki teknoloji çağı nereden çıktı derseniz. Cevabımız, çıkmasın mı olur 🙂

1990’dan son hızla büyük güç deki ülkeler teknolojinin önemini çok iyi anlamış olacak ki eğitim, bilim ve teknoloji’ye tarih de eşi benzeri olmadığı kadar yatırım yaparak bugün ki süper güç olmayı başarmışlardır. İşte teknoloji çağı‘nın ne kadar önemli olduğunu, yüksek teknolojiye sahip ülkelerin hem sanayi hem tarı hem de askeri alanlarda geri kalan dünya ülkelerinden çok daha fazla ileri seviye olmalarından anlamak aslında çok zor olmasa gerek.

Bir çok bilim insanı bu günümüzü teknoloji çağı olarak değerlendirmese de bir çoğuda bu yönde makale, yazı ve söylemlerde bulunmakta. Peki bazı bilim insanları neden neden günümüzü teknoloji çağı olarak belirtmemektedir. Bunun sebebi bu bilim adamlarının aslında bugünlerin daha teknoloji çağının başlangıcı olarak değerlendirilmesi ve teknoloji çağının daha başlarında olduğumuzu, teknolojik buluşların daha pik yapmadığını, insanoğlunun şuan da hayal dahi edemediği bir çok şeyin çok fazla değil 100 yıl içerisinde gerçekleşeceğini ileri sürmektedirler. Modern çağ aslında zaten bunu gerektirmektedir.

Teknolojinin daha başında olduğumuzu belirten bilim insanlarına katılmamak elde değil, neden mi? Bundan daha 20 yıl önce insanların filmler de bilim kurgu ve fantastik yapıtlarında ki bir çok sahneleri bugün günümüzde gerçekleşmekte. Bunlara bir kaç örnek vermek gerekirse; Uçan arabalar, hologram görüntüler ile görüşmek

Teknoloji Çağı yazısı ilk önce Bilimsel üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

Doğa da Yaşam


İnsanlar gen olarak doğuştan doğal şartlarda yaşamak için yaratılmıştır. İlk insanlar da zaten şuan günümüzde bizlerin hayata geldiği gibi direk bir beton ile çevrilmiş içinde kliması ve güzel yatakları olan bir yerde değil. Tamamen doğal şartlarda bir mağarada, çölde belki karların içinde hayata geldiler.

Artık hayatın hızlı akışından ve yoruculuğundan sıkılmış olacaklar ki. Kendilerini şehrin, araçların, uçakların o gürültüsünden. Kamyonların, fabrikaların bacalarından ve egzozlarından çıkan atık gazlardan şehrin bütün taraflarını kaplamış duman ve kirli kokulardan sıkılmış olacaklar ki son dönemde insanlar kendilerini köylere, kırlara yani daha sakin şehirden ve yukarıda saymış olduğumuz; gürültü, egzoz dumanı gibi insan sağlığını etkileyecek olumsuzluklardan kaçmaya çabalamaktadırlar.

Hatta bir çok youtube video içerik üreticisi artı youtube üzerinde doğa da yaşam ile ilgili videolar üretmeye başladılar. Bu videoların genelde içeriklerinde tabi ki tamamen ilk insanlar gibi tamamen anadan doğma olmasa da insanların nasıl kırsal alanlarda kamp yapacaklarını ve kampta karşılaşacakları zorlukları anlatan videolar üreterek insanları doğaya ve doğa da yaşam a teşvik etmeyı ve aynı zaman da bu videolardan para kazanmayı amaçlamaktadırlar.

Eğer sizde doğaya çıkıp kamp yapmayı düşünüyorsanız az önce yukarıda da bahsettiğimiz youtube içerik üreten youtuberların videolarını izleyerek kendinizi doğaya ve doğada karşılaşacağınız yada karşılaşmanız muhtemel olan bazı durum, sıkıntı ve buna bağlı oluşabilecek problemlere karşı hazırlık yapmış olursunuz.

Son olarak yazımı bitirmeden önce sizlere tavsiyem şudur ki: Evet doğa ile yaşam hem mental olarak hem de bedenen sizere çok şey katacaktır. Bir sonraki yazımda da sizlere hayvanlar ile yaşam konulu bir makale hazırlayacağım. Eğer sizde hayvanları seviyorsanız mutlaka okumalısınız. Aslında hayvanları sevmiyorsa kesinlikle okumalısınız.

Doğa da Yaşam yazısı ilk önce Bilimsel üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

Şehir’e göç


Şehire göç’ün nedenleri nelerdir?

Globalleşen dünyada insanlar kırsal kesimlerde geçimlerini sağlayamadıkları ya da insanların geçimlerini sağlamakta zorlandıkları görülmüştür. Bu sebepten dolayı kırsal alanlardan, köylerden şehirlere göç başlamıştır. Özellikle de çoğunluk olarak genç yaşlarda ki bireyler, köylerde ve mezralar da kendilerine kurdukları hayallerin peşinden gidemeyeceklerini gördükleri ve anladıkları için şehir’e göçe başlamışlardır.

Köylerde özellikle de yaşam alanlarına uzak olan köylerde sık sık elektrik kesintileri, internet bulamama ve sosyalleşme problemleri yaşanmaktadır. Bunlar köyden şehire göç‘deki en önemli etkenler olmuştur.

Tabi kide köylerden şehir’e göçün bazı olumsuz yanları da olacaktı.

Şehir’e göçün olumsuz yanları neler?

  • Köyden şehire göçen insanlar da kültür farklılıkları görülmekte.
  • İnsanlar şehire geldiklerinde yine kültür farklılıklarına dayanan nedenlerden dolayı iletişim kurma konusunda bazı problemler ile kar karışayakalabilmektedirler.
  • Köyden şehire gelindiğinde insanların kalacak yer bulma konusunda yaşadıkları problemleri neticesinde, çok büyük hayati problemler oluşmaktadır.
  • Şehire göçen bireyler şehirin kalabalık olmasından etkilendiklerinden alışma sürecinde yaşadıkları olumsuz sebeplerden dolayı kısa sürede memleketlerine dönme kararı almaktadırlar.

Yukarıda da belirttiğimiz gibi şehire göçlerde bir çok problem yaşanmaktadır. Mustafa kemal ATATÜRK’ün bizlere mirası olan köy enstitüleri bu gün devam ediyor olsaydı. Köyden şehire göç bu kadar günümüzde olduğu gibi yüksek olmayacaktı. Köy enstitüsü, köylerde tarım ve tarımsal faaliyetlerde kırsal kesimlerde yaşayan köylülere önemli bilgiler verir.

Bunun sonucunda çiftçiler kendi arazilerinde hangi meyve veya sebzelerden daha çok verim alacaklarını öğrenirler. Ve tarım konusunda tam manada aldıkları eğitimleri uygulayarak, arazilerinde mümkün mertebede yüksek verim alırlar.

Şehir’e göç yazısı ilk önce Bilimsel üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

You Can Motivate Your Employees Without Creating a Hyper-Competitive Culture


Amber Selman Lynn wanted to help plan a women’s march in Mobile, Ala., this month to mark the first anniversary of last year’s huge protests across the country. With no experience in political activism, she had helped organize a bus full of women to go from Mobile to NY. After they came back from the euphoric trip, they formed a group called Mobile Marchers that met monthly. They spoke up for the Affordable Care Act at town-hall-style meetings, and knocked on doors for the Alabama Senate candidate Doug Jones, the Democrat who beat Roy S. Moore in a stunning victory last month.

In Texas, emails collected by the organizers of the Women’s March in Austin are being repur posed to promote candidates who support abortion rights. In Arkansas, Gwen Combs, the elementary schoolteacher who organized the Little Rock march, is now running for Congress. Thousands of women in October attended a convention in Detroit training them on every thing from lobbying elected officials to white supremacy.

But as the movement evolves, differing priorities and tactics have emerged among the women, nearly all of them unpaid and spread across the country. Now, on the eve of the anniversary, a rift is emerging between two groups: Women’s March Inc., which organized the march on NY and spent much of the year creating more social justice protests, and another organization of activists who planned sister marches last year and believe that winning elections, particularly in red states, should be the primary goal. The split has raised questions about who can claim the mantle of the Women’s March — and the funding and press attention that goes with it.

“We can march and take to the streets and yell about all the stuff we want to change, but unless we’re getting people elected to office who are going to make those changes, we’re not really doing anything,” said Lindsey Kanaly, who organized the women’s march in Oklahoma City and is now a March On board member.

The group is now focused on helping liberal women in Republican-led districts organize ahead of the pivotal midterm elections this year.

Mindful of the optics of dividing the movement, March On founders describe the organization as a complement, not a competitor, to Women’s March Inc. Both groups have refrained from criticizing the other in public. But behind the scenes, there has been some frustration.

The organizers of the march in Washington made a point of picking leaders from communities who have historically been ignored by mainstream feminist groups. Of the four national co chairwomen of the Washington march, three were minorities. But the group’s leadership had very little geographic diversity. Nearly all of the board members of Women’s March Inc. are from New York City.

[bs-quote quote=”Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” style=”style-22″ align=”right” author_name=”Oprah Winfrey” author_job=”American Media Proprietor” author_avatar=”https://cinematik.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/the-online-post-quote-avatar.png”]

“What they are doing is great, but it’s difficult to tap into here,” said Kelly Smith, a librarian from Berea, Ky., who organized buses from Kentucky to Washington for the march last year. A general strike could not work in Kentucky, a state where many women depend on hourly wages and do not have union protections, she said.

March On’s founders say the group grew out of weekly conference calls held by the organizers of sister marches as they swapped tips on applying for permits, finding sponsors and obtaining event insurance. After the marches, they met for the first time at a retreat and decided to form a new organization that would focus on giving organizers tools to help win elections. In October, March On began an initiative called March on the Polls, which urges local activists to use the anniversary to help register and educate voters in advance of the midterm elections. Two months later, in December, Women’s March Inc. announced its own campaign called “Power to the Polls,” with an opening rally in Las Vegas on Jan. 21.

So far, the split between Women’s March and March On has not dampened the enthusiasm for marking the anniversary. Many activists in the field said they were unaware of the division. Those who are say they seek resources from both organizations: Women’s March Inc. provides a unifying vision and a national spotlight, while March On gives on-the-ground support, such as legal advice on applying for nonprofit status.

You Can Motivate Your Employees Without Creating a Hyper-Competitive Culture yazısı ilk önce Bilimsel üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

There’s Now a Girl Pop Group Dedicated to Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies


Amber Selman Lynn wanted to help plan a women’s march in Mobile, Ala., this month to mark the first anniversary of last year’s huge protests across the country. With no experience in political activism, she had helped organize a bus full of women to go from Mobile to NY. After they came back from the euphoric trip, they formed a group called Mobile Marchers that met monthly. They spoke up for the Affordable Care Act at town-hall-style meetings, and knocked on doors for the Alabama Senate candidate Doug Jones, the Democrat who beat Roy S. Moore in a stunning victory last month.

In Texas, emails collected by the organizers of the Women’s March in Austin are being repur posed to promote candidates who support abortion rights. In Arkansas, Gwen Combs, the elementary schoolteacher who organized the Little Rock march, is now running for Congress. Thousands of women in October attended a convention in Detroit training them on every thing from lobbying elected officials to white supremacy.

But as the movement evolves, differing priorities and tactics have emerged among the women, nearly all of them unpaid and spread across the country. Now, on the eve of the anniversary, a rift is emerging between two groups: Women’s March Inc., which organized the march on NY and spent much of the year creating more social justice protests, and another organization of activists who planned sister marches last year and believe that winning elections, particularly in red states, should be the primary goal. The split has raised questions about who can claim the mantle of the Women’s March — and the funding and press attention that goes with it.

“We can march and take to the streets and yell about all the stuff we want to change, but unless we’re getting people elected to office who are going to make those changes, we’re not really doing anything,” said Lindsey Kanaly, who organized the women’s march in Oklahoma City and is now a March On board member.

The group is now focused on helping liberal women in Republican-led districts organize ahead of the pivotal midterm elections this year.

Mindful of the optics of dividing the movement, March On founders describe the organization as a complement, not a competitor, to Women’s March Inc. Both groups have refrained from criticizing the other in public. But behind the scenes, there has been some frustration.

The organizers of the march in Washington made a point of picking leaders from communities who have historically been ignored by mainstream feminist groups. Of the four national co chairwomen of the Washington march, three were minorities. But the group’s leadership had very little geographic diversity. Nearly all of the board members of Women’s March Inc. are from New York City.

[bs-quote quote=”Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” style=”style-22″ align=”right” author_name=”Oprah Winfrey” author_job=”American Media Proprietor” author_avatar=”https://cinematik.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/the-online-post-quote-avatar.png”]

“What they are doing is great, but it’s difficult to tap into here,” said Kelly Smith, a librarian from Berea, Ky., who organized buses from Kentucky to Washington for the march last year. A general strike could not work in Kentucky, a state where many women depend on hourly wages and do not have union protections, she said.

March On’s founders say the group grew out of weekly conference calls held by the organizers of sister marches as they swapped tips on applying for permits, finding sponsors and obtaining event insurance. After the marches, they met for the first time at a retreat and decided to form a new organization that would focus on giving organizers tools to help win elections. In October, March On began an initiative called March on the Polls, which urges local activists to use the anniversary to help register and educate voters in advance of the midterm elections. Two months later, in December, Women’s March Inc. announced its own campaign called “Power to the Polls,” with an opening rally in Las Vegas on Jan. 21.

So far, the split between Women’s March and March On has not dampened the enthusiasm for marking the anniversary. Many activists in the field said they were unaware of the division. Those who are say they seek resources from both organizations: Women’s March Inc. provides a unifying vision and a national spotlight, while March On gives on-the-ground support, such as legal advice on applying for nonprofit status.

There’s Now a Girl Pop Group Dedicated to Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies yazısı ilk önce Bilimsel üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

Steve Madden on The Question You Must Ask Yourself to Build a Company of Value


Amber Selman Lynn wanted to help plan a women’s march in Mobile, Ala., this month to mark the first anniversary of last year’s huge protests across the country. With no experience in political activism, she had helped organize a bus full of women to go from Mobile to NY. After they came back from the euphoric trip, they formed a group called Mobile Marchers that met monthly. They spoke up for the Affordable Care Act at town-hall-style meetings, and knocked on doors for the Alabama Senate candidate Doug Jones, the Democrat who beat Roy S. Moore in a stunning victory last month.

In Texas, emails collected by the organizers of the Women’s March in Austin are being repur posed to promote candidates who support abortion rights. In Arkansas, Gwen Combs, the elementary schoolteacher who organized the Little Rock march, is now running for Congress. Thousands of women in October attended a convention in Detroit training them on every thing from lobbying elected officials to white supremacy.

But as the movement evolves, differing priorities and tactics have emerged among the women, nearly all of them unpaid and spread across the country. Now, on the eve of the anniversary, a rift is emerging between two groups: Women’s March Inc., which organized the march on NY and spent much of the year creating more social justice protests, and another organization of activists who planned sister marches last year and believe that winning elections, particularly in red states, should be the primary goal. The split has raised questions about who can claim the mantle of the Women’s March — and the funding and press attention that goes with it.

“We can march and take to the streets and yell about all the stuff we want to change, but unless we’re getting people elected to office who are going to make those changes, we’re not really doing anything,” said Lindsey Kanaly, who organized the women’s march in Oklahoma City and is now a March On board member.

The group is now focused on helping liberal women in Republican-led districts organize ahead of the pivotal midterm elections this year.

Mindful of the optics of dividing the movement, March On founders describe the organization as a complement, not a competitor, to Women’s March Inc. Both groups have refrained from criticizing the other in public. But behind the scenes, there has been some frustration.

The organizers of the march in Washington made a point of picking leaders from communities who have historically been ignored by mainstream feminist groups. Of the four national co chairwomen of the Washington march, three were minorities. But the group’s leadership had very little geographic diversity. Nearly all of the board members of Women’s March Inc. are from New York City.

[bs-quote quote=”Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” style=”style-22″ align=”right” author_name=”Oprah Winfrey” author_job=”American Media Proprietor” author_avatar=”https://cinematik.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/the-online-post-quote-avatar.png”]

“What they are doing is great, but it’s difficult to tap into here,” said Kelly Smith, a librarian from Berea, Ky., who organized buses from Kentucky to Washington for the march last year. A general strike could not work in Kentucky, a state where many women depend on hourly wages and do not have union protections, she said.

March On’s founders say the group grew out of weekly conference calls held by the organizers of sister marches as they swapped tips on applying for permits, finding sponsors and obtaining event insurance. After the marches, they met for the first time at a retreat and decided to form a new organization that would focus on giving organizers tools to help win elections. In October, March On began an initiative called March on the Polls, which urges local activists to use the anniversary to help register and educate voters in advance of the midterm elections. Two months later, in December, Women’s March Inc. announced its own campaign called “Power to the Polls,” with an opening rally in Las Vegas on Jan. 21.

So far, the split between Women’s March and March On has not dampened the enthusiasm for marking the anniversary. Many activists in the field said they were unaware of the division. Those who are say they seek resources from both organizations: Women’s March Inc. provides a unifying vision and a national spotlight, while March On gives on-the-ground support, such as legal advice on applying for nonprofit status.

Steve Madden on The Question You Must Ask Yourself to Build a Company of Value yazısı ilk önce Bilimsel üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

Jeff Bezos: 9 Remarkable Choices That Shaped the Richest Man in the World


Amber Selman Lynn wanted to help plan a women’s march in Mobile, Ala., this month to mark the first anniversary of last year’s huge protests across the country. With no experience in political activism, she had helped organize a bus full of women to go from Mobile to NY. After they came back from the euphoric trip, they formed a group called Mobile Marchers that met monthly. They spoke up for the Affordable Care Act at town-hall-style meetings, and knocked on doors for the Alabama Senate candidate Doug Jones, the Democrat who beat Roy S. Moore in a stunning victory last month.

In Texas, emails collected by the organizers of the Women’s March in Austin are being repur posed to promote candidates who support abortion rights. In Arkansas, Gwen Combs, the elementary schoolteacher who organized the Little Rock march, is now running for Congress. Thousands of women in October attended a convention in Detroit training them on every thing from lobbying elected officials to white supremacy.

But as the movement evolves, differing priorities and tactics have emerged among the women, nearly all of them unpaid and spread across the country. Now, on the eve of the anniversary, a rift is emerging between two groups: Women’s March Inc., which organized the march on NY and spent much of the year creating more social justice protests, and another organization of activists who planned sister marches last year and believe that winning elections, particularly in red states, should be the primary goal. The split has raised questions about who can claim the mantle of the Women’s March — and the funding and press attention that goes with it.

“We can march and take to the streets and yell about all the stuff we want to change, but unless we’re getting people elected to office who are going to make those changes, we’re not really doing anything,” said Lindsey Kanaly, who organized the women’s march in Oklahoma City and is now a March On board member.

The group is now focused on helping liberal women in Republican-led districts organize ahead of the pivotal midterm elections this year.

Mindful of the optics of dividing the movement, March On founders describe the organization as a complement, not a competitor, to Women’s March Inc. Both groups have refrained from criticizing the other in public. But behind the scenes, there has been some frustration.

The organizers of the march in Washington made a point of picking leaders from communities who have historically been ignored by mainstream feminist groups. Of the four national co chairwomen of the Washington march, three were minorities. But the group’s leadership had very little geographic diversity. Nearly all of the board members of Women’s March Inc. are from New York City.

[bs-quote quote=”Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” style=”style-22″ align=”right” author_name=”Oprah Winfrey” author_job=”American Media Proprietor” author_avatar=”https://cinematik.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/the-online-post-quote-avatar.png”]

“What they are doing is great, but it’s difficult to tap into here,” said Kelly Smith, a librarian from Berea, Ky., who organized buses from Kentucky to Washington for the march last year. A general strike could not work in Kentucky, a state where many women depend on hourly wages and do not have union protections, she said.

March On’s founders say the group grew out of weekly conference calls held by the organizers of sister marches as they swapped tips on applying for permits, finding sponsors and obtaining event insurance. After the marches, they met for the first time at a retreat and decided to form a new organization that would focus on giving organizers tools to help win elections. In October, March On began an initiative called March on the Polls, which urges local activists to use the anniversary to help register and educate voters in advance of the midterm elections. Two months later, in December, Women’s March Inc. announced its own campaign called “Power to the Polls,” with an opening rally in Las Vegas on Jan. 21.

So far, the split between Women’s March and March On has not dampened the enthusiasm for marking the anniversary. Many activists in the field said they were unaware of the division. Those who are say they seek resources from both organizations: Women’s March Inc. provides a unifying vision and a national spotlight, while March On gives on-the-ground support, such as legal advice on applying for nonprofit status.

Jeff Bezos: 9 Remarkable Choices That Shaped the Richest Man in the World yazısı ilk önce Bilimsel üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

SoulCycle and Milk Bar Just Launched a ‘Power Cookie’—Here’s What a Nutritionist Thinks


Amber Selman Lynn wanted to help plan a women’s march in Mobile, Ala., this month to mark the first anniversary of last year’s huge protests across the country. With no experience in political activism, she had helped organize a bus full of women to go from Mobile to NY. After they came back from the euphoric trip, they formed a group called Mobile Marchers that met monthly. They spoke up for the Affordable Care Act at town-hall-style meetings, and knocked on doors for the Alabama Senate candidate Doug Jones, the Democrat who beat Roy S. Moore in a stunning victory last month.

In Texas, emails collected by the organizers of the Women’s March in Austin are being repur posed to promote candidates who support abortion rights. In Arkansas, Gwen Combs, the elementary schoolteacher who organized the Little Rock march, is now running for Congress. Thousands of women in October attended a convention in Detroit training them on every thing from lobbying elected officials to white supremacy.

But as the movement evolves, differing priorities and tactics have emerged among the women, nearly all of them unpaid and spread across the country. Now, on the eve of the anniversary, a rift is emerging between two groups: Women’s March Inc., which organized the march on NY and spent much of the year creating more social justice protests, and another organization of activists who planned sister marches last year and believe that winning elections, particularly in red states, should be the primary goal. The split has raised questions about who can claim the mantle of the Women’s March — and the funding and press attention that goes with it.

“We can march and take to the streets and yell about all the stuff we want to change, but unless we’re getting people elected to office who are going to make those changes, we’re not really doing anything,” said Lindsey Kanaly, who organized the women’s march in Oklahoma City and is now a March On board member.

The group is now focused on helping liberal women in Republican-led districts organize ahead of the pivotal midterm elections this year.

Mindful of the optics of dividing the movement, March On founders describe the organization as a complement, not a competitor, to Women’s March Inc. Both groups have refrained from criticizing the other in public. But behind the scenes, there has been some frustration.

The organizers of the march in Washington made a point of picking leaders from communities who have historically been ignored by mainstream feminist groups. Of the four national co chairwomen of the Washington march, three were minorities. But the group’s leadership had very little geographic diversity. Nearly all of the board members of Women’s March Inc. are from New York City.

[bs-quote quote=”Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” style=”style-22″ align=”right” author_name=”Oprah Winfrey” author_job=”American Media Proprietor” author_avatar=”https://cinematik.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/the-online-post-quote-avatar.png”]

“What they are doing is great, but it’s difficult to tap into here,” said Kelly Smith, a librarian from Berea, Ky., who organized buses from Kentucky to Washington for the march last year. A general strike could not work in Kentucky, a state where many women depend on hourly wages and do not have union protections, she said.

March On’s founders say the group grew out of weekly conference calls held by the organizers of sister marches as they swapped tips on applying for permits, finding sponsors and obtaining event insurance. After the marches, they met for the first time at a retreat and decided to form a new organization that would focus on giving organizers tools to help win elections. In October, March On began an initiative called March on the Polls, which urges local activists to use the anniversary to help register and educate voters in advance of the midterm elections. Two months later, in December, Women’s March Inc. announced its own campaign called “Power to the Polls,” with an opening rally in Las Vegas on Jan. 21.

So far, the split between Women’s March and March On has not dampened the enthusiasm for marking the anniversary. Many activists in the field said they were unaware of the division. Those who are say they seek resources from both organizations: Women’s March Inc. provides a unifying vision and a national spotlight, while March On gives on-the-ground support, such as legal advice on applying for nonprofit status.

SoulCycle and Milk Bar Just Launched a ‘Power Cookie’—Here’s What a Nutritionist Thinks yazısı ilk önce Bilimsel üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

Kim Kardashian’s Trainer Shares the Star’s ‘Bodybuilding’ Diet and Exercise Routine: ‘She’s a Workhorse!’


Amber Selman Lynn wanted to help plan a women’s march in Mobile, Ala., this month to mark the first anniversary of last year’s huge protests across the country. With no experience in political activism, she had helped organize a bus full of women to go from Mobile to NY. After they came back from the euphoric trip, they formed a group called Mobile Marchers that met monthly. They spoke up for the Affordable Care Act at town-hall-style meetings, and knocked on doors for the Alabama Senate candidate Doug Jones, the Democrat who beat Roy S. Moore in a stunning victory last month.

In Texas, emails collected by the organizers of the Women’s March in Austin are being repur posed to promote candidates who support abortion rights. In Arkansas, Gwen Combs, the elementary schoolteacher who organized the Little Rock march, is now running for Congress. Thousands of women in October attended a convention in Detroit training them on every thing from lobbying elected officials to white supremacy.

But as the movement evolves, differing priorities and tactics have emerged among the women, nearly all of them unpaid and spread across the country. Now, on the eve of the anniversary, a rift is emerging between two groups: Women’s March Inc., which organized the march on NY and spent much of the year creating more social justice protests, and another organization of activists who planned sister marches last year and believe that winning elections, particularly in red states, should be the primary goal. The split has raised questions about who can claim the mantle of the Women’s March — and the funding and press attention that goes with it.

“We can march and take to the streets and yell about all the stuff we want to change, but unless we’re getting people elected to office who are going to make those changes, we’re not really doing anything,” said Lindsey Kanaly, who organized the women’s march in Oklahoma City and is now a March On board member.

The group is now focused on helping liberal women in Republican-led districts organize ahead of the pivotal midterm elections this year.

Mindful of the optics of dividing the movement, March On founders describe the organization as a complement, not a competitor, to Women’s March Inc. Both groups have refrained from criticizing the other in public. But behind the scenes, there has been some frustration.

The organizers of the march in Washington made a point of picking leaders from communities who have historically been ignored by mainstream feminist groups. Of the four national co chairwomen of the Washington march, three were minorities. But the group’s leadership had very little geographic diversity. Nearly all of the board members of Women’s March Inc. are from New York City.

[bs-quote quote=”Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” style=”style-22″ align=”right” author_name=”Oprah Winfrey” author_job=”American Media Proprietor” author_avatar=”https://cinematik.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/the-online-post-quote-avatar.png”]

“What they are doing is great, but it’s difficult to tap into here,” said Kelly Smith, a librarian from Berea, Ky., who organized buses from Kentucky to Washington for the march last year. A general strike could not work in Kentucky, a state where many women depend on hourly wages and do not have union protections, she said.

March On’s founders say the group grew out of weekly conference calls held by the organizers of sister marches as they swapped tips on applying for permits, finding sponsors and obtaining event insurance. After the marches, they met for the first time at a retreat and decided to form a new organization that would focus on giving organizers tools to help win elections. In October, March On began an initiative called March on the Polls, which urges local activists to use the anniversary to help register and educate voters in advance of the midterm elections. Two months later, in December, Women’s March Inc. announced its own campaign called “Power to the Polls,” with an opening rally in Las Vegas on Jan. 21.

So far, the split between Women’s March and March On has not dampened the enthusiasm for marking the anniversary. Many activists in the field said they were unaware of the division. Those who are say they seek resources from both organizations: Women’s March Inc. provides a unifying vision and a national spotlight, while March On gives on-the-ground support, such as legal advice on applying for nonprofit status.

Kim Kardashian’s Trainer Shares the Star’s ‘Bodybuilding’ Diet and Exercise Routine: ‘She’s a Workhorse!’ yazısı ilk önce Bilimsel üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

The Father of the iPod Says Tech Addiction Would Worry Steve Jobs if he Were Alive Today


Amber Selman Lynn wanted to help plan a women’s march in Mobile, Ala., this month to mark the first anniversary of last year’s huge protests across the country. With no experience in political activism, she had helped organize a bus full of women to go from Mobile to NY. After they came back from the euphoric trip, they formed a group called Mobile Marchers that met monthly. They spoke up for the Affordable Care Act at town-hall-style meetings, and knocked on doors for the Alabama Senate candidate Doug Jones, the Democrat who beat Roy S. Moore in a stunning victory last month.

In Texas, emails collected by the organizers of the Women’s March in Austin are being repur posed to promote candidates who support abortion rights. In Arkansas, Gwen Combs, the elementary schoolteacher who organized the Little Rock march, is now running for Congress. Thousands of women in October attended a convention in Detroit training them on every thing from lobbying elected officials to white supremacy.

But as the movement evolves, differing priorities and tactics have emerged among the women, nearly all of them unpaid and spread across the country. Now, on the eve of the anniversary, a rift is emerging between two groups: Women’s March Inc., which organized the march on NY and spent much of the year creating more social justice protests, and another organization of activists who planned sister marches last year and believe that winning elections, particularly in red states, should be the primary goal. The split has raised questions about who can claim the mantle of the Women’s March — and the funding and press attention that goes with it.

“We can march and take to the streets and yell about all the stuff we want to change, but unless we’re getting people elected to office who are going to make those changes, we’re not really doing anything,” said Lindsey Kanaly, who organized the women’s march in Oklahoma City and is now a March On board member.

The group is now focused on helping liberal women in Republican-led districts organize ahead of the pivotal midterm elections this year.

Mindful of the optics of dividing the movement, March On founders describe the organization as a complement, not a competitor, to Women’s March Inc. Both groups have refrained from criticizing the other in public. But behind the scenes, there has been some frustration.

The organizers of the march in Washington made a point of picking leaders from communities who have historically been ignored by mainstream feminist groups. Of the four national co chairwomen of the Washington march, three were minorities. But the group’s leadership had very little geographic diversity. Nearly all of the board members of Women’s March Inc. are from New York City.

[bs-quote quote=”Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” style=”style-22″ align=”right” author_name=”Oprah Winfrey” author_job=”American Media Proprietor” author_avatar=”https://cinematik.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/the-online-post-quote-avatar.png”]

“What they are doing is great, but it’s difficult to tap into here,” said Kelly Smith, a librarian from Berea, Ky., who organized buses from Kentucky to Washington for the march last year. A general strike could not work in Kentucky, a state where many women depend on hourly wages and do not have union protections, she said.

March On’s founders say the group grew out of weekly conference calls held by the organizers of sister marches as they swapped tips on applying for permits, finding sponsors and obtaining event insurance. After the marches, they met for the first time at a retreat and decided to form a new organization that would focus on giving organizers tools to help win elections. In October, March On began an initiative called March on the Polls, which urges local activists to use the anniversary to help register and educate voters in advance of the midterm elections. Two months later, in December, Women’s March Inc. announced its own campaign called “Power to the Polls,” with an opening rally in Las Vegas on Jan. 21.

So far, the split between Women’s March and March On has not dampened the enthusiasm for marking the anniversary. Many activists in the field said they were unaware of the division. Those who are say they seek resources from both organizations: Women’s March Inc. provides a unifying vision and a national spotlight, while March On gives on-the-ground support, such as legal advice on applying for nonprofit status.

The Father of the iPod Says Tech Addiction Would Worry Steve Jobs if he Were Alive Today yazısı ilk önce Bilimsel üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

This Entrepreneur Built His Own Business and Became a Millionaire When He Was 24. How Did He Do It?


Amber Selman Lynn wanted to help plan a women’s march in Mobile, Ala., this month to mark the first anniversary of last year’s huge protests across the country. With no experience in political activism, she had helped organize a bus full of women to go from Mobile to NY. After they came back from the euphoric trip, they formed a group called Mobile Marchers that met monthly. They spoke up for the Affordable Care Act at town-hall-style meetings, and knocked on doors for the Alabama Senate candidate Doug Jones, the Democrat who beat Roy S. Moore in a stunning victory last month.

In Texas, emails collected by the organizers of the Women’s March in Austin are being repur posed to promote candidates who support abortion rights. In Arkansas, Gwen Combs, the elementary schoolteacher who organized the Little Rock march, is now running for Congress. Thousands of women in October attended a convention in Detroit training them on every thing from lobbying elected officials to white supremacy.

But as the movement evolves, differing priorities and tactics have emerged among the women, nearly all of them unpaid and spread across the country. Now, on the eve of the anniversary, a rift is emerging between two groups: Women’s March Inc., which organized the march on NY and spent much of the year creating more social justice protests, and another organization of activists who planned sister marches last year and believe that winning elections, particularly in red states, should be the primary goal. The split has raised questions about who can claim the mantle of the Women’s March — and the funding and press attention that goes with it.

“We can march and take to the streets and yell about all the stuff we want to change, but unless we’re getting people elected to office who are going to make those changes, we’re not really doing anything,” said Lindsey Kanaly, who organized the women’s march in Oklahoma City and is now a March On board member.

The group is now focused on helping liberal women in Republican-led districts organize ahead of the pivotal midterm elections this year.

Mindful of the optics of dividing the movement, March On founders describe the organization as a complement, not a competitor, to Women’s March Inc. Both groups have refrained from criticizing the other in public. But behind the scenes, there has been some frustration.

The organizers of the march in Washington made a point of picking leaders from communities who have historically been ignored by mainstream feminist groups. Of the four national co chairwomen of the Washington march, three were minorities. But the group’s leadership had very little geographic diversity. Nearly all of the board members of Women’s March Inc. are from New York City.

[bs-quote quote=”Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” style=”style-22″ align=”right” author_name=”Oprah Winfrey” author_job=”American Media Proprietor” author_avatar=”https://cinematik.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/the-online-post-quote-avatar.png”]

“What they are doing is great, but it’s difficult to tap into here,” said Kelly Smith, a librarian from Berea, Ky., who organized buses from Kentucky to Washington for the march last year. A general strike could not work in Kentucky, a state where many women depend on hourly wages and do not have union protections, she said.

March On’s founders say the group grew out of weekly conference calls held by the organizers of sister marches as they swapped tips on applying for permits, finding sponsors and obtaining event insurance. After the marches, they met for the first time at a retreat and decided to form a new organization that would focus on giving organizers tools to help win elections. In October, March On began an initiative called March on the Polls, which urges local activists to use the anniversary to help register and educate voters in advance of the midterm elections. Two months later, in December, Women’s March Inc. announced its own campaign called “Power to the Polls,” with an opening rally in Las Vegas on Jan. 21.

So far, the split between Women’s March and March On has not dampened the enthusiasm for marking the anniversary. Many activists in the field said they were unaware of the division. Those who are say they seek resources from both organizations: Women’s March Inc. provides a unifying vision and a national spotlight, while March On gives on-the-ground support, such as legal advice on applying for nonprofit status.

This Entrepreneur Built His Own Business and Became a Millionaire When He Was 24. How Did He Do It? yazısı ilk önce Bilimsel üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

Alabama U’s Stunning Football-Championship Performance? 3 Things Entrepreneurs Can Learn.


Amber Selman Lynn wanted to help plan a women’s march in Mobile, Ala., this month to mark the first anniversary of last year’s huge protests across the country. With no experience in political activism, she had helped organize a bus full of women to go from Mobile to NY. After they came back from the euphoric trip, they formed a group called Mobile Marchers that met monthly. They spoke up for the Affordable Care Act at town-hall-style meetings, and knocked on doors for the Alabama Senate candidate Doug Jones, the Democrat who beat Roy S. Moore in a stunning victory last month.

In Texas, emails collected by the organizers of the Women’s March in Austin are being repur posed to promote candidates who support abortion rights. In Arkansas, Gwen Combs, the elementary schoolteacher who organized the Little Rock march, is now running for Congress. Thousands of women in October attended a convention in Detroit training them on every thing from lobbying elected officials to white supremacy.

But as the movement evolves, differing priorities and tactics have emerged among the women, nearly all of them unpaid and spread across the country. Now, on the eve of the anniversary, a rift is emerging between two groups: Women’s March Inc., which organized the march on NY and spent much of the year creating more social justice protests, and another organization of activists who planned sister marches last year and believe that winning elections, particularly in red states, should be the primary goal. The split has raised questions about who can claim the mantle of the Women’s March — and the funding and press attention that goes with it.

“We can march and take to the streets and yell about all the stuff we want to change, but unless we’re getting people elected to office who are going to make those changes, we’re not really doing anything,” said Lindsey Kanaly, who organized the women’s march in Oklahoma City and is now a March On board member.

The group is now focused on helping liberal women in Republican-led districts organize ahead of the pivotal midterm elections this year.

Mindful of the optics of dividing the movement, March On founders describe the organization as a complement, not a competitor, to Women’s March Inc. Both groups have refrained from criticizing the other in public. But behind the scenes, there has been some frustration.

The organizers of the march in Washington made a point of picking leaders from communities who have historically been ignored by mainstream feminist groups. Of the four national co chairwomen of the Washington march, three were minorities. But the group’s leadership had very little geographic diversity. Nearly all of the board members of Women’s March Inc. are from New York City.

[bs-quote quote=”Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” style=”style-22″ align=”right” author_name=”Oprah Winfrey” author_job=”American Media Proprietor” author_avatar=”https://cinematik.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/the-online-post-quote-avatar.png”]

“What they are doing is great, but it’s difficult to tap into here,” said Kelly Smith, a librarian from Berea, Ky., who organized buses from Kentucky to Washington for the march last year. A general strike could not work in Kentucky, a state where many women depend on hourly wages and do not have union protections, she said.

March On’s founders say the group grew out of weekly conference calls held by the organizers of sister marches as they swapped tips on applying for permits, finding sponsors and obtaining event insurance. After the marches, they met for the first time at a retreat and decided to form a new organization that would focus on giving organizers tools to help win elections. In October, March On began an initiative called March on the Polls, which urges local activists to use the anniversary to help register and educate voters in advance of the midterm elections. Two months later, in December, Women’s March Inc. announced its own campaign called “Power to the Polls,” with an opening rally in Las Vegas on Jan. 21.

So far, the split between Women’s March and March On has not dampened the enthusiasm for marking the anniversary. Many activists in the field said they were unaware of the division. Those who are say they seek resources from both organizations: Women’s March Inc. provides a unifying vision and a national spotlight, while March On gives on-the-ground support, such as legal advice on applying for nonprofit status.

Alabama U’s Stunning Football-Championship Performance? 3 Things Entrepreneurs Can Learn. yazısı ilk önce Bilimsel üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

Jeff Sessions’ War on Marijuana Is a Bit of a Yawner and Could Backfire On Him


Amber Selman Lynn wanted to help plan a women’s march in Mobile, Ala., this month to mark the first anniversary of last year’s huge protests across the country. With no experience in political activism, she had helped organize a bus full of women to go from Mobile to NY. After they came back from the euphoric trip, they formed a group called Mobile Marchers that met monthly. They spoke up for the Affordable Care Act at town-hall-style meetings, and knocked on doors for the Alabama Senate candidate Doug Jones, the Democrat who beat Roy S. Moore in a stunning victory last month.

In Texas, emails collected by the organizers of the Women’s March in Austin are being repur posed to promote candidates who support abortion rights. In Arkansas, Gwen Combs, the elementary schoolteacher who organized the Little Rock march, is now running for Congress. Thousands of women in October attended a convention in Detroit training them on every thing from lobbying elected officials to white supremacy.

But as the movement evolves, differing priorities and tactics have emerged among the women, nearly all of them unpaid and spread across the country. Now, on the eve of the anniversary, a rift is emerging between two groups: Women’s March Inc., which organized the march on NY and spent much of the year creating more social justice protests, and another organization of activists who planned sister marches last year and believe that winning elections, particularly in red states, should be the primary goal. The split has raised questions about who can claim the mantle of the Women’s March — and the funding and press attention that goes with it.

“We can march and take to the streets and yell about all the stuff we want to change, but unless we’re getting people elected to office who are going to make those changes, we’re not really doing anything,” said Lindsey Kanaly, who organized the women’s march in Oklahoma City and is now a March On board member.

The group is now focused on helping liberal women in Republican-led districts organize ahead of the pivotal midterm elections this year.

Mindful of the optics of dividing the movement, March On founders describe the organization as a complement, not a competitor, to Women’s March Inc. Both groups have refrained from criticizing the other in public. But behind the scenes, there has been some frustration.

The organizers of the march in Washington made a point of picking leaders from communities who have historically been ignored by mainstream feminist groups. Of the four national co chairwomen of the Washington march, three were minorities. But the group’s leadership had very little geographic diversity. Nearly all of the board members of Women’s March Inc. are from New York City.

[bs-quote quote=”Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” style=”style-22″ align=”right” author_name=”Oprah Winfrey” author_job=”American Media Proprietor” author_avatar=”https://cinematik.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/the-online-post-quote-avatar.png”]

“What they are doing is great, but it’s difficult to tap into here,” said Kelly Smith, a librarian from Berea, Ky., who organized buses from Kentucky to Washington for the march last year. A general strike could not work in Kentucky, a state where many women depend on hourly wages and do not have union protections, she said.

March On’s founders say the group grew out of weekly conference calls held by the organizers of sister marches as they swapped tips on applying for permits, finding sponsors and obtaining event insurance. After the marches, they met for the first time at a retreat and decided to form a new organization that would focus on giving organizers tools to help win elections. In October, March On began an initiative called March on the Polls, which urges local activists to use the anniversary to help register and educate voters in advance of the midterm elections. Two months later, in December, Women’s March Inc. announced its own campaign called “Power to the Polls,” with an opening rally in Las Vegas on Jan. 21.

So far, the split between Women’s March and March On has not dampened the enthusiasm for marking the anniversary. Many activists in the field said they were unaware of the division. Those who are say they seek resources from both organizations: Women’s March Inc. provides a unifying vision and a national spotlight, while March On gives on-the-ground support, such as legal advice on applying for nonprofit status.

Jeff Sessions’ War on Marijuana Is a Bit of a Yawner and Could Backfire On Him yazısı ilk önce Bilimsel üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

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